Wednesday, February 13, 2013

My reason

I was sitting at dinner looking around at faces I didn't know the names of. The girls had their hair up and curled, the earrings sparkled in the light. The couples all matched and surprisingly me and my date did too. It was Prom night and every girl had eye make on, some done beautifully, others done trashy. I was at his prom which meant I didn't know anyone. I was so worried and scared that something might go wrong and ruin the night. When all of a sudden my date said "Oh my god! You have something in your eye!" Of course I freaked out and right away I said "What? Get it out! help me!" Then he said something i wasn't expecting. "Oh wait it's just a sparkle." A smile stretched across my face. Later he told me that he was really talking about my eye shadows that i had on, the whites, grays, silvers, and royal blue. This is my reason, it's actually a pick up line. If you Google pick up lines, that's one of them. His cute but dumb comment is the reason for my title :)

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